Event details
- Wednesday | November 9, 2022
- 8:30 pm
‘Geography’ by Chara Pilavaki
On Wednesday 9th of November, Chara Pilavaki will give a presentation on Geography during the Round Table dialogues, which are facilitated by Penny Georgiou.
A few words by Chara:
During our Round Table discussion, I would like to talk about Geography. In other words, how the body of a subject is located into the space, the topos and which logos (discourse and reason) positions this subject there where he/she is. I will propose an essai to respond to questions such as: How do I feel my body in the space? What is to have a body? Is this body mine? How can signifiers and points of reference ground a subject on the earth – or maybe better – how do they give a body? Among other ideas, I would also like to share the function of puzzles like an activity which can help a subject to construct a new ground, a new path, especially during challenging periods when a person may feel lost.
Date: 9th November 2022
Time: 8:30 pm EET (Cyprus’ time)
Host: School of the Freudian Letter
Participation Fees: £10 Only for full members of the school
Language: English
Limited places available.
For further info & reservations contact: Marina Pafitou info@freudianletter.com