Event details
- Wednesday | March 31, 2021
- 9:00 pm
- This event will be delivered online via Zoom, therefore, in order to receive your link and password, you are kindly requested to place your payment via Revolut to the number 99818793 (Katerina Tsialidou).
On Wednesday the 31st of March 2021, Charoula Pilavaki will be interviewing Petros Patounas Lacanian Psychoanalyst of the School of the Freudian Letter.
Inspired by Petros Patounas’ seminar on “Das Ding: that which is feminine” I would like to ask some questions to the psychoanalyst in order to elaborate more on the topic of the feminine.
Das Ding and freedom.
The ErgOn and the feminine jouissance.
Is sexual relationship possible between two beings of the breath?
Can the law – as the masculine – and the Thing – as the feminine – coexist without one eliminating the other? Is a structured freedom possible?
“That which cannot be said is an Act.”; “That which cannot be attaint is the Thing.”; That which cannot be attaint by the speech is the Feminine.
The femininity of the breath. Is breath a woman?
The alienation of the being of the breath. Is the Alien feminine?
This event will be delivered online via Zoom, therefore, in order to receive your link and password, you are kindly requested to place your payment via Revolut to the number 99818793 (Katerina Tsialidou).
Date: 31 March, 2021
Time: 21:00 pm EET (Cyprus’ time)
Host: School of the Freudian Letter
Participation Fees: €20
(50% discount to Members of the Cyprus Society of the SFL and to students under 25 years old)
Language: English
Limited places available.
For further info & reservations contact:
Virginia Papadouri info@freudianletter.com